
Why, specifically here, does the Pasuk stress the distinction between the flocks of Yisrael and those of the Egyptians?


Ramban #1 and R. Bachye #1 (both in Pasuk 3): Due to the Egyptians' loathing of shepherds and sheep, they moved their animals far from the towns - most likely to an area bordering Goshen, where Yisrael's sheep were kept. In that case, the distinction between the two was even more marked. Moreover, pestilence is caused by a change in the air, and since they shared the same air, the distinction was even less comprehensible.


Ramban #2 and R. Bachye #2 (both in Pasuk 3): Because Makas Dever was the result of a change in the atmosphere, and there was no logical reason to differentiate between the sheep of the Egyptians and those belonging to Yisrael.


Seforno (in Pasuk 7): It demonstrated the Hand of Hashem, since nobody other than Hashem can guarantee life.


Rashbam: Refer to 8:18:1:1 and notes.


Riva (in 8:18): When the destructive angel is authorized to kill [en masse], he does not differentiate between good and evil. Therefore, a special differentiation was required.


Moshav Zekenim: Refer to 8:18:1:2.


Gur Aryeh (in Pasuk 14): The first set of Makos, De'tzach, brought Par'oh to realize that the Makos were from Hashem. But they still thought of the Makos as general, indiscriminate strikes at the world; they could not accept them as specifically directed against them by Hashem (Hashgachah Pratis). The Makos of Arov and Dever specifically excluded Goshen and the B'nei Yisrael (8:18 & 9:4), demonstrating Hashem's Hashgachah. 1


Also see 7:14:8:1, regarding the division of the Makos as De'tzach A'dash Be'achav, and what Par'oh was supposed to learn from each of these groups.


What are the implications of "v'Lo Yamus mi'Kol Livnei Yisrael Davar"?


Oznayim la'Torah (to 9:5): Chazal learn from here that if an Egyptian made a partnership with a Yisrael on his (the Egyptian's) animal, it survived the plague of Dever.

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