What are the connotations of "Chatasi ha'Pa'am"?
Ramban and Rashbam: It means that this time he admitted that he sinned (by rebelling against Hashem's commands from day one ? Ramban).
What are the connotations of "Hashem ha'Tzadik va'Ani ve'Ami ha'Resha'im"?
R. Bachye: It means that Hashem's judgments are righteous and that he (Par'oh) and his people, are the wicked ones for refusing to pay heed to His commands and for initially enslaving Yisrael. And he referred to the Name Havayah, a sign that he had relebted for having said "Mi Hashem asher Eshma be'Kolo"?
Targum Yonasan: I means 'Hashem is the Righteous G-d and I and my people have been guilty by each and every plague'.
Refer to 9:27:1:1-3.
The first letters of "Hashem ha'Tzadik va'Ani ha'Rasha" would spell the Name "Havayah". Why did Par'ah add the word "ve'Ami"? What is the significance of the extra ''Vav'?
R. Bachye: Because he was afraid that, as king, he would also be taken to task for what his people had done to Yisrael ? for not having stopped them; sso he confessed on their sin too.
Why did Pharaoh suddenly acknowledge Hashem's righteousness, and his own wickedness?
Hadar Zekenim: Because Hashem had performed with him a great kindness, by warning him in advance. 1
Moshav Zekenim #1: Because when he saw how the G-d-fearing Egyptians took their animals into the house, and were spared, he realized that, had he and his people feared G-d, they too would have been spared.
Moshav Zekenim #2, Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim and Riva: Because Hashem had mercy on the flocks and instructed them to save them, but he and his people did not heed Him, and left them in the field. 2
Moshav Zekenim #3 (to 8:19): He said 'I sinned,' because the hail ruined the crops, the trees, the animals and the people - like no other plague.
Refer to 9:19:1:1*. Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 33, p. 125) - Pharaoh realized Hashem's righteousness, in that He told them in advance to bring their animals into the houses. Refer to 9:19:151:1.
Hadar Zekenim: Also after Arbeh, Pharaoh would say, "Chatasi La'Shem Elokeichem v'Lachem" (10:16) - 'I performed evil with you, but you performed Chesed with me!' It seems that Pharaoh's ego was being systematically deflated by the force of the Makos.