
Why does it say "Al Bachurav Lo Yismach"?


Radak: This is the opposite of "v'Galti vi'Yrushalayim v'Sasti v'Ami" (65:19). When one adopts the evil path, and due to this evil comes upon him, it is as if Hashem is sad - "va'Yisyatzev El Libo" (Bereishis 6:6). When one adopts the good path, and due to this good comes upon him, it is as if Hashem rejoices - "v'Sasti v'Ami", "Yismach Hashem b'Ma'asav" (Tehilim 104:31). It mentions bachelors, for they mostly follow their eyes, and their strength will not save them from the evil that will come upon them. Hashem will not rejoice in them, for they do not do His will.


Malbim: Not only will he cut off the leaders. Also the bachelors and Giborim, Hashem will not rejoice in their strength, for He will eradicate them. This is the Nimshal of the Kipah (13). Refer to 9:16:2:2.


Why does it say that He will not have mercy on his orphans and widows?


Radak: Even though [normally] it is proper to have mercy on them, He will not.


Malbim: This is the Nimshal of the Agmon (13). A [mortal] king does not cut off his Giborim, for he rejoices in their strength. He does not cut off the weak, like orphans and widows, due to mercy. The verse teaches that Hashem will be different.


Why does it say "Chulo"?


Radak: Both Gedolim and Ketanim; both strong and weak. Great evil will come on them, and they will not find anyone to have mercy on them, and still they do not repent! Therefore, Hashem's anger will not return from them.


How are they "Chanef"?


Malbim: Openly, they feign to serve Hashem; their heart is not with them. This is flattery!


Why will all these punishments come?


Shabbos 33a: They are the punishment for foul language.


What is "u'Mera"?


Rashi: It is a Rasha. This is like "Zera Mere'im" (1:4).


Malbim: It is one who does evil in action.


Why does it say "v'Chol Peh Dover Nevalah"?


Malbim: They are not ashamed to publicize their evil.


What do we learn from "v'Od Yado Netuyah"?


Shabbos 33a: All know why a Kalah enters the Chupah, but if one fouls his mouth by saying something obscene, even if 70 good years had been decreed for him, they are changed for evil.


Radak: Also in Galus, His hand is stretched out to do evil to them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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