
Why does it say "Ki Im b'Zos"?


Radak: This character (to know Me, is proper to boast about).


Radak (23, citing Rambam): Sheleimus of knowledge of Hashem, which is the true Chachmah, is proper to boast about it.


Malbim: On this condition one may boast about his Chachmah, Gevurah and wealth - if he uses them for a helpful purpose 1 , to achieve perfection.


Malbim: Chachmah should be to know Hashem, Gevurah is to do Chesed and Mishpat, and wealth is for Tzedakah.


What is "Haskel"?


Rashi: It is acting intelligently. It is the same grammatical form as "Hachbed" (Shemos 8:11).


Radak: "Haskel Kel" knows that He is one, always existed, is not physical, creates everything and oversees everything, conducts the world according to His Chachmah - upper and lower beings.


Radak, citing R. Avraham b'Ribi Chiya: One who reaches the depth of Chachmah is called Maskil.


What is "Yode'a Osi"?


Radak: It is going in His ways to do Chesed, Mishpat and Tzedakah, like He does. "V'Asah Mishpat u'Tzedakah...; Dan Din Oni v'Evyon... Hi ha'Da'as Osi" (22:14-15). Due to this, Daniel and his colleagues (Chananyah, Misha'el and Azaryah) were saved from the disgrace that came to the other captives. These were honored in the land of their exile, for they were Tzadikim and Chasidim. They had no way to escape exile, for how will [only] three or four or even 10 remain in the land?!


Radak, citing R. Avraham b'Ribi Chiya: The crown of Chachmah and the tower built on them is Da'as Elokim. One may boast only about knowing Hashem and learning His Torah, which is Chesed, Mishpat and Tzedakah.


Radak, citing Rambam: It is [knowing that Hashem is] Chachmah, Gevurah, His Midos and their descriptions, and to do Chesed, Mishpat and Tzedakah like He does.


Malbim: Via knowing the Chukei Chachmah, he will come to know Hashem.


What is special about Chesed, Mishpat and Tzedakah?


Radak, citing Rambam: Chesed is the ultimate bestowing of good. It has two parts - bestowing good to one who has no entitlement to receive benefit, and bestowing to one who has entitlement, more than is proper to give to him. Tzedakah is straightness, to give to everyone what is proper for him. Mishpat is to judge what is proper, whether it is vengeance 1 or good.


Radak: Hashem is called Chasid because He brought the creation into existence. He is called Tzadik due to His mercy on Aniyim, i.e. His conduct with living beings according to their ability. He is called Shofet for bringing new benefits that arise in the world according to Din, which is drawn after Chachmah.


Malbim: He should not boast about them, for he did not acquire them via his choice. He got them from Hashem, who made his brain prepared for Chachmah, and his body's nature is prepared for strength, and his Mazal is prepared for wealth. This is like one who has a deposit of others, and boasts about it. The praise does not belong to the one who praises himself; it is worthy for the owner, and not for the Shomer. However, if he uses these three gifts to know Hashem and do Chesed, Mishpat and Tzedakah, this depends on his choice, for 'everything is from Shamayim, except for Yir'as Shamayim' (Brachos 33b).


I.e. punishment for misdeeds.


Why does it say "ba'Aretz"?


Moreh ha'Nevuchim (3:54): This refutes those who say that Hashem supervises only [in Shamayim,] until the moon, but He abandoned the earth.


Radak: [I do Chesed, Mishpat and Tzedakah] with people of the world. Even though His Chesed and Tzedakah is also in Shamayim - "Hashem beha'Shamayim Chasdecha" (Tehilim 36:6), His Chesed and Tzedakah are revealed in the land. What is in Shamayim is known only to Chachamim.


Why does it say "v'Eleh Chafatzti"?


Radak: I want that man should do them, and live in them.


Malbim: Desire does not apply to Hashem. His desire is immediately done - who can stop Him?! "V'Nafsho Ivesah va'Ya'as" (Iyov 23:13). However, He desires that man fear Hashem, for this is not in Shamayim's control (Brachos 33b).

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