
What is the meaning of "k'Minhag Yehu"?


Radak: He drives his chariot crazily.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He conducts calmly 1 .


This must be very unusual, that from this he knew that it is Yehu! (PF)


Why did he call him "Ben Nimshi", by his grandfather's name?


Even if he said 'Ben Yehoshafat', he would need to add 'Ben Nimshi', lest it seems that he is Melech Yehoshafat's son. Or, he did not want to say 'Yehoshafat', for he used to be king. If one's Rebbi has a rare name, one may not call others by this name (YD 242:15). The lookout applied this to Yehoshafat, who had been king of Yehudah, even though now he was dead. One must fear the king more than he fears his Rebbi! (PF)

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