
What is "Sachak"?


Malbim: It is the place of angels and intellectual beings. It is above Shamayim; wonders are there.


What is the meaning of "Ya'aroch la'Shem"?


Rashi: It is to be valued like Him. Radak - those who serve celestial bodies think that they are like Hashem, but Shamayim and its legions themselves admit that there is no comparison to Hashem. They admit that their strength and wonders are from Him!


Malbim: Dimyon (comparison) is based on properties. Erech is based on intrinsic value. In Sachak there is Dimyon to Hashem - the actions that emerge from there are not tied to natural laws, time and place. The angels there are purely intellectual beings. However, they have no Erech 'with' Hashem, for they are created and their power is limited. Their wonders are not constant; they depend on Hashem's will. Hashem is unlimited, creates everything, and His wonders are fixed in His desire.


Who are "Bnei Elim"?


Radak: Elim are the angels; Bnei Elim are the legions of Shamayim, which are like sons of them, Their motion and conduct is due to the angels. Elim is an expression of ability.


Malbim: They are natural powers. They have no Dimyon to Hashem, for they are tied to physical powers that are not eternal.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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