
What is the meaning of "Zechar Ani Meh Chaled"?


Rashi: What old age do I have?! My days are few. It suffices that You pay up from me through shortening my life!


Radak #1: This discusses David's seed in Galus. He fears death, and does not see salvation. Perhaps he will not leave a son, and the kingship will cease.


Radak #2: In every generation, he desires that the salvation in his days come from David's seed, and he will be Melech ha'Mashi'ach.


Malbim: You established Malchus Beis David - it goes on the path to perfection of mankind. Mashi'ach's name is one of the matters that preceded the world (Pesachim 54a), for it is the purpose of humanity; the purpose is first in thought. If the true salvation will not come, my existence in the world is for naught.


What is the meaning of "Al Mah Shav"?


Rashi: [You created all people] for no reason.


Radak: Did You create [people] to die?! People's lives are worthless!


Malbim: If the true salvation will not come, the existence of humanity is for naught, since it will not reach the purpose in the days of Mashi'ach, when all will recognize Hashem's name and serve Him together.

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