
How did Hashem distance lovers from him?


Radak: It is like I explained above (refer to 88:9:1:2).


Malbim: The verse depicts as if fear of Hashem surrounding him are like guards who do not allow any person to come close to him; this distanced lovers and friends from him.


What is the meaning of "Meyuda'ai Machshach"?


Rashi: They forgot and ceased [connection to] me.


Radak: It is as if my confidants are in a dark place, that I cannot see them.


Malbim: Darkness is my close friend; I dwell with it. This is a metaphor for the nation; it has a mortal illness. It is as if it is buried and gone from the world, just it still feels its afflictions. It is separate from people, incarcerated in jail to dwell alone, like a lone bird on the roof. It is pursed via terrors and mortal dangers.

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