
Who are the "Zedim"?


Rashi (from Yalkut Shimoni): They are Do'eg and Achitofel.


Radak: People who chase David b'Mezid; they are not forced. Many chased him amidst fear of Sha'ul, who was king; they could not refrain from going with him. Many hated David; they willingly chased him, b'Mezid.


Malbim: They do not rise against me based on a claim, rather, b'Mezid. I cannot escape them via my virtue.


Why does it say "Adas Aritzim"?


Malbim: I cannot overpower them with strength, for a congregation of powerful people seek my Nefesh.


What is the meaning of "Lo Samucha l'Negdam"?


Rashi: They did not remember that they saw that Shmuel anointed me based on Your word 1 .


Radak: They sought to kill me, and did not fear You, that You will pay (punish) them for this.


Malbim: I have no hope that they will fear Hashem, for they do not put Hashem in front of them.


Achitofel lived 33 years (Sanhedrin 69b). He died in Avshalom's rebellion, shortly before David's death. If so, Achitofel was born after David was anointed 40 years earlier! Also, we find that Shmuel feared lest Sha'ul hear that he anoints another king. The verses imply that only Yishai's family saw the Meshichah (Shmuel I, 16:2-13)! Would he anoint David in front of Do'eg, "Avir ha'Ro'im Asher l'Sha'ul" (ibid., 21:8)?! Perhaps Rashi means that they knew that Shmuel anointed David based on Your word. (PF)

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