
Why does it say "Ki Chok"?


Rashi: It is a Chok for Yisrael to blow the Shofar on this day. Malbim - we should not seek the reason. Refer to 81:5:2:3.


Why does it say "Mishpat lEi'lokei Yakov"?


Rashi: This is a day of Mishpat for Hashem (He judges the world).


Radak: It is a [Chok and] Mishpat that Elokei Yakov commanded you (to blow the Shofar on this day.


Malbim: (a) Only for Hashem, it is a Mishpat that we blow the Shofar on this day (He knows the reason). (b) This hints that it is a day of Mishpat for Hashem. Since He is Elokei Yisrael Yakov and oversees them, He prepared for them 1 a day of Mishpat to test their deeds, and to judge each man according to his ways.


Hashem judges the entire world on Rosh Hashanah! Perhaps primary He judges Yisrael, and once he judges Yisrael, He judges the entire world. (PF)

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