Why does the Torah use the double expression "Im Shacho'ach Tishkach"?
Rashi and Rashbam #1 (in 11:13): To warn Yisrael that once one begins to forget, one goes on to forget everything'. 1
Rashbam #2 (in 11:13, citing Agadas Shmuel in Megilas Chasidim): ?Im Ta?azveni Yom, Yomaym A?azveka!? ? If one travels one day?s distance away from Hakadosh-Baruh-Hu, one ends-up two days journey away from Him. 2
Mechilta (in Beshalach): If you forgret one Mitzvah, you will end up forgetting many Mitzvos. 3
Rashi: As it states in Megilas Chasidim (or Megilas S'tarim - [It is also a Sifri]) 'If you will abandon Me for one day, I will abandon you for two!' (See Sifsei Chachamim there. In other words, when you forget Hashem, He forgets you ? correspondingly).
Rashbam, ibid.: It can be compared to Reuven ans Shimon who, after meeing in an inn, leave simultaneouslyogether ? Revene travels one Mil to the north, and Shimon, one Mil to the south; it transpires that they end-up two Mil apart.
See Torah Temimah, note 31.
Why does the Torah use the double expression "Ki Avod Toveidun"?