
What is "Lema'an Anoscha" referring to"?


Yoma, 44b #1: It refers to the fact that they never had Manna stored away for the following day 1 'Eino Domeh Mi she'Yesh lo Pas be'Salo le'Mi she'Ein lo Pas be'Salo'.


Yoma, 44b #2 2 : It refers to the fact that although the Manna tasted like whatever they wanted it to taste, it retained its original appearance and they did not therefore see the food that they were eating.


See Torah Temimah, note 30.


One opinion is that of R. Ami, the other, of R. Asi, and we do not know which is which.


What are the implications of "Leheitivcha be'Acharisecha"?


Seforno: Following the test and the affliction - Refer to 8:2:2:3** - a person who has been tested and passes the test is worthy of a greater measure of goodness than the administering angels.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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