What is the word "Zos asher la'Levi'im" coming to preclude?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It precludes Mumin from disqualifying a Levi from the Avodah.
Rashbam: It comes, not to preclude, but to introduce a new aspect of the Avodah with regard to a Ben Levi who has not yet reached the age of Avodah and to one who has retired from the Avodah of carrying. 1
Chulin, 24a: It precludes age from disqualifying a Kohen from the Avodah.
How will we reconcile this Pasuk, which gives the age of the commencement of the Levi'im's Avodah as twenty-five, with the Pasuk in Bamidbar, 4:3, which gives it as thirty?
Rashi: Whereas the Pasuk in Bamidbar is referring to the age at which the Levi'im actually begin serving, the current Pasuk is referring to the age at which they begin their apprenticeship. 1
Ramban #1: Moshe and Aharon appointed the Levi'im from the age of thirty. However, any ben Levi from the age of twenty-five who felt that he was capable of serving, was welcome to come and assist the older Levi'im in their work. 2
Ramban #2 (citing the Ibn Ezra) and Rashbam: The Pasuk in Bamidbar, and the Pasuk at the beginning of Naso, is referring to the Avodah of carrying between the ages of thirty and fifty; whereas the current Pasuk is referring to the Avodah of guarding, 3 which the Levi'im are obligated to perform five years earlier - before they are strong enough to carry, and after they have retired from carrying, when they remain obligated to guard the Mishkan.
Refer also to 4:3:2:1 and notes. The Ramban explains that this is why the Torah writes here "Yavo Litzvo Tzava ... ", implying that the ben Levi should come together with those who assemble to perform the Avodah, and not "Yavo La'avod Avodah" (See also Oznayim la'Torah DH 'mi'Ben Chamesh ve'Esrim Shanah') - though he (the Ramban) himself considers Rashi's explanation an individual opinion. See Onayim la'Torah, end of DH mi'Ben Chamesh ve'Esrim Shanah'.
Ramban: They was not however, placed in charge of any specific task before the age of thirty. The Ramban DH 've'al Derech ha'Peshat', attributes this to the physical change that takes place in a person when he reaches the age of thirty - See Avos, 5:27.
See Ramban, who refutes this explanation.