
Why, by the Milu'im, were Aharon and his sons sprinkled with the blood of the Eil ha'Milu'im before it was sprinkled on the Mizbe'ach, whereas the Metzora is sprinkled with the blood of the Asham afterwards?


Oznayim l'aTorah #1: Because, seeing as Aharon and his sons were being elevated to the status of Kehunah, they required speinkling of blood that was on a higher level of Kedushah; 1 whereas a Metzora, who was merely being permitted to re-enter the camp, it was sufficient to sprinkle him with the Sheyarei ha'Dam.


Oznayim la'Torah #2: Because,, whereas the Asham Metzora was the first Korban that the Metzora brought, 2 that came mainly to atone for him, the Eil ha'Asham was third Korban that came specifically to inaugurate Aharon and his sons into the Kehunah and to place on the various locations on their bodies..


See Oznayim la'Torah,


See Oznayim la'Torah, who explains it somewhat differently.

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