
What is the significance of the (unusual Trop) 'Shalsheles' on the word "Vayishchat" as opposed to the 'Esnachta' on "Vayishchat" in Pasuk 19?


Oznayim la'Torah (on Pasuk 19): Whereas the earlier Pasuk is referring to a regular Korban which needed only a minimal amount of blood - to sprinkle on two corners of the Mizbe'ach, the current Pasuk is referring to the Eil ha'Milu'im, where, besides sprinkling the blood on the Mizbe'ach, Moshe also required sufficient blood to place on the middle joints, the thumbs and the ig toes of Aharon and his sons, he made a point of also cutting into the large blood vessels ? and this is hinted in the long drawn-out 'Shalsheles'.

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