
What is "b'Rosh Meromim"?


Malbim (2-3): As opposed to the Zonah, who leaves her house to go to Chutz and Rechovos (7:12), The verse depicts that Chachmah descends from above and stands in high places on the big public road on which everyone goes. This is the simple meaning of Divrei Torah, the simple tales and simple understanding of Mitzvos that are given equally to all commoners.


Why does the verse conclude "Beis Nesivos Nitzavah"?


Malbim (2-3): First Chachmah is in high places on the big road. Later it stands on small paths that individuals go on to go to the city. These are Divrei Torah that are not given to commoners, only to Chachamim who go in paths by themselves, e.g. Drush, Darchei Chasidus in Mitzvos and reasons for Mitzvos.

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