
Why does it say here "Yir'as Hashem Snos Ra"?


Rashi: This is the Musar that Chachmah announces to people (1).


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Sin'ah DH Yesh Sin'ah): This teaches that there is hatred that is a Mitzvah, e.g. a Rasha who does not accept rebuke.


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar Leshon ha'Ra): If the sinner does not fear Shamayim, e.g. he cast off the yoke of Shamayim, and is not careful about a Mitzvah that all people of his city know that it is an Aveirah, it is a Mitzvah to speak detrimentally about him and reveal his sins. This will make people despise sinners, and distance from Aveiros.


Malbim: It already said "Yir'as Hashem Reishis Da'as" (1:7). The beginnings of Chachmah are not known via proofs. One can come to Da'as (clear knowledge) only via Musar and Yir'as Hashem. I explained "Lada'as Chachmah u'Musar" (1:2) that Chachmah can bring to Da'as only via Musar, which is Yir'as Hashem. When the laws of Chachmah oppose the nature of man's heart - its nature is to put on the heart evil images that are the opposite of Chachmah - and when there are images of pride, via this he is Chacham in his own eyes. He imagines that the Yetzarim of his heart are the laws of Chachmah and he should follow them. He goes opposite to the laws of Chachmah. Yir'as Hashem Musar Chachmah can quiet the tumult of the Nefesh's evil images.


Why does it say "Snos Ra Ge'ah v'Gaon"?


Malbim: When Yir'ah rules in his heart, he wears humility and he submits to the laws of Chachmah that Hashem gave. Evil images such as envy and desire are erased. 'if there is no fear, there is no Chachmah; if there is no Chachmah, there is no fear' (Avos 3:17). Fear alone does not help at all. If he does not 1 know the laws of Chachmah, even if he has Yir'as Hashem, he will not go in the laws of Chachmah, because he already accustomed himself to their opposite. They became native in his Nefesh and made a paved path for themselves. All his thoughts and actions go according to it.


Surely the text should say so. (PF)


What is "Pi Sahpuchos"?


Malbim: Powers of the Sechel and Binah carve out laws according to images of desire that rule in his Nefesh, which are the opposite of Chachmah; Chachmah hates them. Chachmah leads him in the good path and speaks Chachmah in his mouth; when Yir'ah accompanies it, it subdues haughtiness of the Nefesh and evil images. Then it will find Da'as Chachmah and clear Da'as will be fixed in his heart.

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