
How does Chachmah call?


Rashi: The Torah announces the following matters to you.


Malbim: As opposed to the Zonah, who comes in darkness, Chachmah calls in public.


Why does it say "Sikra" and "Titen Kolah"?


Malbim: Nesinas Kol is less than Keri'ah. Chachmah comes from above, and is received from Hashem, who gives Chachmah, It calls to man to hear the laws of Chachmah and accept them. Tevunah comes from man's Sechel. It gives its voice to make heard that there is in man a power of Binah to contemplate and understanding a matter amidst another matter. One senses this voice in the depths of his Nefesh, and he calls to Tevunah to take it out from his Sechel.

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