
What is the significance of "Asarah Anashim mi'Kol Leshonos ha'Goyim v'Hecheziku bi'Chnaf Ish Yehudi..."?


Shabbos 32b, partially cited in Rashi: One who zealously fulfills Tzitzis will have [in the future] 2800 slaves (10 from each of the 70 nations on each of the four corners of his garment).


Radak: Ten is not precise. It says 10, for this [completes units and] starts a new calculation. This is like "v'Afu Eser Nashim Lachmechem" (Vayikra 26:26).


Malbim: Via the Tzitzis, they recognize that he is a Jew. Tzitzis help to remember the Mitzvos, and also the Shechinah dwelling in Yisrael -Techeles' color resembles the sea, which resembles the sky, which resembles the Kisei ha'Kavod (Menachos 43b).


Why does it say "Yachaziku... v'Hecheziku"?


Radak: The matter is repeated because there were many words in between. This is like "Im be'Emes u'Tamim" (Shoftim 9:16, 19) that Yosam said and repeated.


Why will they say "Nelecha Imachem"?


Malbim: In the end of days, the nations will begin to recognize Emunas Yisrael and their Torah, and believe that it is Kadosh. Then, they will not go to Yerushalayim to seek Emunah, just the Yishmaelim will seek the true Emunah from Yisrael. They will recognize that Elokim is with Yisrael, and will go with the Yisrael to learn his creed and Emunah.

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