What did Moshe mean when he said to Pharaoh, "Lo Nachon La'asos Kein"?
Oznayim la'Torah: He meant that it would be insensitive 1 to slaughter the Egyptians' gods in front of their eyes. 2
This is also the opinion of Targm Yonasan, who interprets the latter half of the Pasuk as 'if we were to slaughter their gods before their eyes they would be justified in stoning us!'.
Refer to 8:22:1.1:2. Oznayim la'Torah - In the continuation, Moshe adds that, in addition, it would be dangerous to do so, due to the inevitable reaction of the Egyptians. It would be imperative to travel to the desert, since that is what Hashem ordered; and they would not even know what they would have to offer until they arrived there.
What are the connotations of "To'avas Mitzrayim"?
Rashi #1, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It is a derogatory way of saying 'the Egyptian god' 1 (with reference to the lambs 2 ).
Rashi #2: The Pasuk is saying that to slaughter (a lamb) to Hashem before the Egyptians' eyes would be detestable to them.
Rashi #3 (to Chulin 40a): It teaches us that although animals that are worshipped may be eaten, 3 they are called gods and may not be offered on the Mizbe'ach. 4
Rashbam: It means that the Egyptians abhorred sheep (as well as the shepherds who looked after them). 5
See also Melachim II 23:13.
Hadar Zekenim: This is difficult, since it says "uv'Chol Elohei Mitzrayim E'eseh Shefatim" (12:12); whereas only the animals in the fields died! (But that Pasuk is about Makas Bechoros! Perhaps this means that if the Egyptians worshipped all sheep, then all the sheep should have died; but we find that Barad (and perhaps Dever) killed only those animals the field; and Makas Bechoros killed only the firstborn animals(wherever they were located - CS).
See Torah Temimah, note 6.
See Torah Temimah, note 7.
Refer to Bereishis 46:34:2:1*.
Rashi writes: "'To'avas Mitzrayim' (lit. the abomination of Egypt) - The reverence of Egypt... which Yisrael call an abomination." Why in fact did the Egyptians worship sheep?
Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 37, p. 140): The lamb is the Mazal of Nisan, the first of the constellations. The Mitzrim were base Chomer; and Chomer is first 1 in relation to Tzurah. 2 Also refer to Bereishis 43:32:1.1:1, and its note.
That is why Makas Bechoros, the plague of the first-born, was the most difficult Makah for the Mitzrim to endure; see below 12:12:4.2:2. (EK)