
Why does it say "Alu Ashur"? Eretz Yisrael is higher than other lands!


Radak #1: They departed from their land, and went to Ashur. This is like "v'Alu Min ha'Aretz 1 " (Shemos 1:10).


Radak citing Rav Sadya Gaon: Alu is like Ba'u (they came). The Targum of Ba'u is [usually] Alu.


Radak #2: Perhaps it is truly ascent. When Pul Melech Ashur came to Eretz Yisrael in the days of Menachem ben Gadi, and Menachem gave to him 1,000 Kikarim of silver. Menachem ascended to the place in Eretz Yisrael where Pul was ? some places in Eretz Yisrael are higher than others, e.g. Yerushalayim is higher than the rest of Eretz Yisrael.


Malbim: They accepted Ashur's kingship over themselves 2 .


Radak: Perhaps that was truly ascent, to Eretz Kena'an, from which they came! In any case, Alu applies to leaving and ceasing, e.g. "Yetzu'i Alah" (Bereishis 49:4), "ka'Alos Gadish b'Ito" (Iyov 5:26), "Al Ta'aleni ba'Chatzi Yamai" (Tehilim 102:25).


Perhaps he explains that they elevated Ashur over themselves. (PF)


What is "Pere Boded Lo"?


Rashi: They became like a wild man, who goes alone. He wanders from place to place 1 `.


Radak, from Targum Yonasan: They went willingly to Egypt and Ashur to seek help, like a wild Arod 2 . This is why they were exiled to Ashur (Targum Yonasan)!


Malbim: He distances from his place, like "Pere Limud Midbar b'Avas Nafshah Sha'afah Ru'ach" (Yirmeyah 2:24). He hates love and companionship, to have many friends. Efrayim was like a Pere that loves to roam ? however, Efrayim sought many friends, and gave an Esnan to seek lovers!


Rashi (Brachos 33a): Arod is a crossbreed of a snake and lizard.


What is the meaning of "Hisnu Ahavim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Hisnu is an expression of Tanim (serpent), like an Arod that goes in Midbaros. They inhaled like a Tanim to acquire lovers (adulterers), strangers.


Rashi: Hisnu is an expression of Esnan (a harlot's hire).


Radak: Hisnu is an expression of Tenai (condition), like "Esnah Hemah Li" (2:14) "Esnan Zonah" (Devarim 23:19). Efrayim stipulated to be lovers with Egypt and Ashur ? they bribed them to have a Bris and love with them.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They were handed over to nations that they loved.


Malbim: After accepting Ashur's kingship, they sent an Esnan to Egypt, like a Zonah with a husband who gives an Esnan to others to seek their love, and abandons her husband and rebels against him. This is why strangers swallowed them (8) ? this angered Melech Ashur!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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