
What are "Zivchei Havhavai"?


Rashi: They are Olos that are Mehavhev (burn) in front of Me on My Mizbe'ach.


Radak #1: Havhavai are My gifts. It is from the root Yahav (giving); the last two letters of the root are doubled. I.e. the gifts that they think that they give to Me.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Korbanos that they gather from extortion.


Radak #2: This is roasting meat, like 'if a garment was folded but not Hivhavah (burned)?' (Shabbos 28b).


Malbim: Olos that were Hukdash to Shamayim, to burn them totally [on the Mizbe'ach], they will make them Chulin, and slaughter and eat them.


Why does it say "Yizbechu Vasar va'Yochelu"?


Rashi: Why do they bring them? They should slaughter them and eat 1 the meat, for I do not desire them [for Korbanos]!


Radak: Before it said that they increase Mizbechos for idolatry. Now it says that what they slaughter in the Mikdash is not accepted, for they do not repent from their sins. They offer only for their eating, e.g. Shelamim, which the owners eat.


Malbim: Refer to 8:13:1:5.


Radak: If so, there should not be a Patach under the Vov in va'Yochelu (past tense), rather, a Sheva (for it is future)!


Why does it say "Hashem Lo Ratzam"?


Refer to 8:13:2:1-2.


Malbim: They say that Hashem does not desire them, for He does not oversee people's deeds, even to accept Korbanos from them. Therefore, they offer to Ba'alim, stars and their follies. They considered a Korban to Hashem to be a sin. They were not terrified from the Navi's words.


Will their sin be remembered now?


Radak: It will be in the near future, when they will return to Egypt with Yochanan ben Kare'ach, and transgress My word. Then I will punish for their sin more than via the Churban and Galus, like Yirmeyah said -"v'Samu Chol b'Eretz Mitzrayim Yipolu ba'Cherev ba'Ra'av Yitamu mi'Katon v'Ad Gadol ba'Cherev uva'Ra'av Yamusu" (44:12).


Malbim: Also now that Hashem will punish them via Melech Ashur, they did not fear His punishments, to repent. Rather, they return to Egypt.


What is the significance of "Mitzrayim Yashuvu"?


Malbim: They appeared to return to Egypt, i.e. as if Hashem did not redeem them to be a nation to Him. Rather, they return to be like they were initially in Egypt, i.e. idolaters, and did not accept Torah and Mitzvah.

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