
It is written Echtov, and we pronounce it Echtav!


Radak: It is pronounced with a Kamatz under the Tov because it is Samuch to a short word 1 .


Therefore, the accent is moved back from the last syllable. (PF)


What do we learn from "Echtov Lo Rubei Torasi"?


Gitin 60b #1: The majority of the Torah is written, the minority is oral.


Gitin 60b #2: (The majority of the Torah is oral, the minority is written.) Hashem asks in astonishment 'should I write for him most of My Torah? He considers it foreign!'


Radak: I constantly rebuke [Yisrael] via My Nevi'im, and write for him the majority of My Torah, and they are considered like a stranger.


Radak: "Echtov" is like Kasavti (I wrote). It is as if I write for them every day ? I send Nevi'im to them to warn them about Divrei Torah and it is not Shavah to them (they do not heed it). Rubei is like "Al Kol Rav Beiso" (Esther 1:8), i.e. great and honored.


Why does it say "Kmo Zar Nechshavu"?


Refer to 8:12:2:2.


Malbim: The Mizbechos that I wrote in My Torah, which are to offer Korbanos to Shamayim ? the Mizbe'ach in the Mikdash made like the Torah says. They are considered like a stranger to them. One who ascended to offer on that Mizbe'ach was killed. Similarly, one who made a Mizbe'ach to offer on it to Shamayim, this was considered a sin, and they killed him. They said that the Mizbechos that they had before, for Shamayim, were a sin in their eyes.

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