
What is the meaning of "ha'Yiflu v'Lo Yakumu"?


Rashi: It is better that they cast themselves to fall, for they will not rise.


Radak: This is connected to the next verse. Why did they persist so much in their evil deeds and refuse to repent? Did they fall as punishment for their sins, that they did not stand afterwards? I.e. several times they fell as punishment for their sins, that they did not stand afterwards. Do not they think that if they repent, Hashem will not retract from His anger? Did it ever happen that they fell, and did not stand afterwards - that they repented and Hashem did not turn back His anger? If so, why are Yisrael wayward [and do not repent]?


Malbim: Refer to 8:4:2:4.


Why does it say "Im Yashuv v'Lo Yashuv"?


Rashi #1: When they will want to repent from their evil, Hashem will not retract from His decree.


Rashi #2: Even if they will repent, it will not last. They will quickly return to their evil. And so Yonason translates - if to repent, it is revealed in front of Me that they will not repent.


Radak: Refer to 8:4:1:2.


Malbim: If one repents from his evil way, but then reverts to it, this is called returning a second time. Yisrael did so many times - therefore they do not rise from their fall.

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