
If Gechazi already told the king about Elisha's miracles with her, why did the king ask her?


Vayikra Rabah 16:4: She came before Gechazi had a chance to tell the king.


Malbim: He wanted to affirm that Gechazi said correctly; their accounts matched.


What is the meaning of "Seris"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is a eunuch. Even though Yisrael are forbidden to castrate, Malchei Yisrael bought them from Nochrim. Or, he was castrated due to illness. Kings use eunuchs to serve the women (they cannot do Bi'ah, and do not even lust for it) - "Seris ha'Melech Shomer ha'Nashim" (Esther 2:15).


Ralbag: It is an officer.


How could the king say to return everything to her, without hearing proofs that she used to own it, and not the claim of the Machazik (current resident)?


Abarvenel: She found grace in the king's eyes. Elisha always used to benefit her - also now, she benefited through him (via telling the king about his miracles with her).


Malbim: Gechazi testified that the house and field were [initially] hers 1 . We can say that there was Cheirum (hostility, and no traffic) between Eretz Pelishtim (where she was for seven years) and Eretz Yisrael. We find that Pelishtim spread over Yehudah in Yehoram's 12th year, at the end of the hunger, and they killed all Beis ha'Melech. If the war began four years earlier, the Cheirum began three years of Chazakah finished, so there was no Chazakah. 2


Two witnesses are needed! Also, testimony must be in front of the defendant! Also, perhaps the Machazik had a proof that it was his! (PF)


Bava Basra 38a: One cannot make Chazakah at a time of Cheirum. Rashbam - this is because the original owner cannot make a protest that the Machazik will hear.

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