
Why did she need to scream to the king about her house and her field?


Rashi: Thieves took possession of them. Radak citing Yerushalmi Bava Basra 3:3 - we infer that one can make a Chazakah 1 in property of one who flees 2 . Since she needed to scream to the king, this implies that the one who took her property had a Chazakah.


I.e. if one can bring witnesses that he has been acting like the owner of land for three years, he is believed to say that he bought it and lost his purchase document, unless the previous owner protested within the three years. (PF)


Mar'eh ha'Panim (3:3): Rav and Shmuel argued about this. The Yerushalmi is unlike Rava (Bava Basra 38b) who says that there is Chazakah, unless he fled from one who wanted to kill him, for then he fears to protest. If so, there is no proof from her!


Why does it say "El Beisah v'El Sadah"?


Radak: This is like Al. Many verses say El in place of Al. Below (verse 5) it says "Al Beisah v'Al Sadah."

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