
Why did all of Yisrael gather?


Malbim: (a) Since the Sanhedrin and Nesi'im gathered, automatically everyone gathered. Also this was honor for the king. Therefore it says "El ha'Melech Shlomo." (b) It was the time of Sukos. Even though the Mitzvah of Aliyah l'Regel did not apply 1 , they wanted to celebrate the Chag in Yerushalayim, and see the 'canopy' that Shlomo made.


Until after Chanukas ha'Bayis. (PF)


What is "Yerach ha'Eisanim"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: In the month of the early ones, who called it the first month, and now it is the seventh month. I.e. after the Torah was given, and it says that Nisan is the first month (Shemos 12:2), Tishrei is the seventh month. Radak - this is "Lachem" (for you, Yisrael). For Nochrim, Tishrei is still the first month.


Radak: It is the month in which people gather Peros and grain to the house, like Sukos is called Chag ha'Asif (Shemos 23:16). Eisanim is an expression of strength, for grain and Peros are the life of man.


Radak citing Rosh Hashanah 11a #1: It is [Tishrei,] the month in which the Avos were born; they are Eisanei ha'Olam. This is like "veha'Esanim Mosdei Aretz" (Michah 6:2).


Radak citing Rosh Hashanah 11a #2: It is [Tishrei,] the month that is strong with Mitzvos - it has Chagim and Mitzvos.


Was this during Sukos?


Radak: They gathered a week before Sukos, for Chanukas ha'Bayis and the Chag.

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