
Why does it say "Shfoch Chamasecha El ha'Goyim"?


Radak: Your Kin'ah and anger that burn like fire on us, pour it on "ha'Goyim Asher Lo Yeda'ucha." "El ha'Goyim" is like Al ha'Goyim. Similarly, "El he'Harim Lo Achal" (Yechezkel 18:6, is like Al he'Harim); "va'Yach Es ha'Pelishti El Mitzcho" (Shmuel I, 17:49, is like Al Mitzcho).


Malbim: Since You finished off Your anger against us, now it is proper that Your Kinah and anger burn "ha'Goyim Asher Lo Yeda'ucha."


Why does it say "v'Al ha'Mamlachos"?


Radak: The kingship of Yisrael was lost with the exile of Shevet Yehudah at the Churban of Yerushalayim. Even though the 10 tribes were exiled before this, kingship was not lost from Yisrael.


Why does it say "Asher b'Shimcha Lo Kara'u"?


Malbim: Even though the kingdoms know You, they do not call in Your name.

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