
What is the question "will He abandon forever"?!


Radak: Why is this Galus different than other exiles? Will Hashem abandon His nation in Galus forever?!


Malbim: Since Hashem once desired us, it cannot be that He will no longer desire us. Hashem does not change! We must say that His desire is like initially, just His desire was conditional - He desired us as long as our deeds were proper. Therefore, if we will return to go in the good path, His desire will be on us like before, without change 1 . It is impossible that He will abandon us forever; rather, it is only until we improve our deeds.


Sometimes Hashem's desire changed permanently based on man's actions! E.g. He initially was pleased with Matzevos and later despised them; He desired Dor ha'Midbar, and later decreed that they die in the Midbar; He chose Sha'ul to be king, and later rejected his kingship! (PF)


Why does it say "v'Lo Yosif Lirtzos Od"?


Radak: Will He not desire Yisrael again, like previous times that He desired Yisrael after the anger?

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