
Why does it say "mi'Shamayim Hishmata Din"?


Radak: This is like "Esh v'Gafris Amtir Alav" (Yechezkel 38:22) - the judgment that You execute on them from Shamayim, You make it heard.


Malbim: When Sancheriv came against Tziyon, You sent an angel from Shamayim to judge him and do Mishpat of Your nation against the afflicter - "v'Hayah Ki Yivtza Hashem Es Kol Ma'asehu b'Har Tziyon uvi'Yerushalayim Efkod


What do we learn from "Eretz Yor'ah v'Shakatah"?


Shabbos 88a: At first, the land was afraid [lest Yisrael not accept the Torah, and the world will revert to emptiness] After Yisrael accepted the Torah, it was quiet.


Rashi: Initially, Eretz Yisrael feared Sancheriv. After Yeshayah prophesized about his punishment, and it was fulfilled, the land was quiet.


Radak: Because [You make Your judgment heard], the land of the nations feared Kel and ceased to fight against Yisrael.

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