
What is the meaning of "[ba'Atzasecha] Sancheni"?


Rashi: You calmed me.


Radak: You guide me with Your counsel my entire life.


Malbim: Hashem counsel was to cling to Him, and do everything for His sake without any bodily motivations, only due to Hashem's Mitzvah.


What is the meaning of "v'Achar Kavod Tikacheni"?


Rashi: If the Ta'am 1 were on "Kavod", it would mean 'after You fulfilled for Sancheriv all the honor that You allotted for him, You take me to You.' You did wondrous miracles for Yisrael, and destroyed Sancheriv. However, the Ta'am is on v'Achar; it means, afterwards, for honor and glory You will draw me to You.


Radak #1: After life separates and ha'Kavod (the Nefesh) remains, You will gather my Kavod to You.


Radak #2: After death, You will take me to Your Kavod.


Malbim: With this counsel You will take me after Kavod, i.e. the Nefesh, which is called Kavod in Tanach, for it is man's true honor. I will go after honor, and not after what is disgraceful and lowly, i.e. physicality and its desires.


Surely Rashi refers to a Ta'am Mafsik (it is not read together with the next word). Each of these words has its own Ta'am! (PF)

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