Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) word "Pesilei Eloheihem Tisr?fun ba?Eish"?
Avodah Zarah, 52a: To teach us that Nochrim are able to invalidate (Poseil) their gods. 1
Avodah Zarah, 52b: To teach us that the idols of Nochrim 2 become Asur be'Hana'ah from the moment they are manufactured.
See Torah Temimah, note 35. See also Torah Temimah citing the Yerushalmi, which learns it from the continuation of the Pasuk "Lo Sachmod ... Velakachta lach", implying that you may not covet the silver and gold that is on them and then take it, but others (the owner) can - enabling you to then purchase it from them. See Torah Temimah, note 37.
See Torah Temimah, note 34.
What are the implications of "Lo Sachmod Kesef ve'Zahav Aleihem"?
Ramban, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It implies that one should not covet the silver and gold that is on the idols - as if it had written 'asher Aleihem' - and is coming to include in the prohibition the golden and silver ornaments that adorn the idols. 1
Avodah Zarah, 45a: It implies that if Nochrim adorn mountains and hills that they worship with silver and golden ornaments, even though the mountains and the hills themselves are permitted, 2 the ornaments are forbidden.
Temurah, 28b: It implies that if Nochrim adorn animals that they worship with silver and golden ornaments, although the animals themselves may not be brought on the Mizbe'ach but are otherwise Mutar be'Hana'ah, the ornaments are Asur be'Hana'ah.
Avodah Zarah, 51b: The silver and gold on the idols are obviously ornamental - implying that other accessories are not included in the Isur - and by he same token, the Pasuk in Nitzavim, 29:16 "Vatir'u es Shikutzeihm, Eitz va'Even ... asher Aleihem" 3 is confined to wooden and stone ornaments.
How will we reconcile ?Lo Sachmod ? ? with "Velakachta lach"?
Avodah Zarah, 52a: This teaches us that the Avodah Zarah become permitted 1 after the Nochri has invalidated it. 2
Avodah Zarah (Ibid.): 'Paslo le'Elohah' - "Lo Sachmod'; 'Paslo me'Elohah' - "Velakachta lach".
Refer to 7:25:0.1:2.
How does one become ensnared by the silver and gold of the Avodah-Zarah?
Seforno: A person who indulges in business with the silver and gold of idolatry and is successful, will in all likelihood, attribute his success to the idol from which it came.