
What are the connotations of "Baruch Tih'yeh mi'Kol ha'Amim"?


Yerushalmi B'rachos, 8:8: It implies that a B'rachah given by Nochrim will take effect. Consequently, if one is blessed by a Nochri, he should answer 'Amen'. 1


Oznayim la'Torah: It means that, when all the nations see the B'rachos being fulfilled, they will acknowledge that Yisrael are indeed blessed.


See Torah Temimah, note 22.


Having just written "u'Veirach P'ri Bitn'cha", why does the Torah need to add "Lo Yih'yeh v'cha Akar ... "?


Refer to 7:14:151:1 & 2.


Oznayim la'Torah: To teach us that not only will the nation at large increase, but that there will not be even one man or woman who is barren - and it adds "u'vi'Vehemtecha, to extend this to the anmals - that there will not be one person in Yisrael whose flocks will die out or even diminish.


What are the implications of "Lo Yih'yeh v'cha Akar va'Akarah u'vi'Vehemtecha"? Why does the Torah insert "Akar va'Akarah" before "u'vi'Vehemtecha"?


Targum Yonasan: It means that there will not be among you aany man or woman who is barren, nor will there be among the animals an animal that does not produce wool (a sheep) or milk (a cow) or one that is barren.


Bechoros 44b #1 (according to Resh Lakish): It implies 'You will not become sterile if, like an animal, you urinate as soon as you need to - even in public, if necessary. 1


Bechoros 44b #2 (according to R. Yehoshua ben Levi): You will not be barren of Talmidim, and your prayers (Rashi - for children) will not be rejected, if you make yourself (humble - Tosfos) like an animal (to urinate immediately - as in answer #1 - Rashi).


Pesikta Zutr'sa (12b): It is as if it had written 've'Lo Yih'yeh Akar ve'Akarah bi'Vehemtecha" (and none of your animals will be barren).


Ba'al ha'Turim: "Lo Yih'yeh l'cha Akar va'Akarah" has the same Gematriyah as 'be'Divrei Torah" - 'You will not be barren (unproductive) in Torah'.


Because delaying urinating can cause sterility.

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