
What is the significance of the statement "Zos Chanukas ha'Mizbe'ach"?


Seforno: It draws a contrast between the relatively small Chanukas ha'Mizbe'ach here, and the Chanukas ha'Mizbe'ach of Sh'lomoh ha'Melech. 1


Moshav Zekeinim: The Torah is pointing out that they finished the work for the Mishkan on the 25th of Kislev, only Hashem delayed the erection until Nisan (the month in which Yitzchak was born and in which the Akeidah took place - Riva). 2


Refer also to 7:89:3:2.


Moshav Zekeinim: When Kislev complained, Hashem undertook to recompensate it, which He did on Chanukah - as the Gemara states in in Shabbos 21b - 'The 25th of Kislev begins the days of Chanukah.' And that is why we read the current Parshah on Chanukah.


How do we reconcile the words "be'Yom Himashach oso" with the words "Acharei Himashach oso" - in Pasuk 88, implying that Moshe brought the Korbanos of the Nesi'im after he anointed the Mizbe'ach?


Rashi: From "be'Yom Himashach oso" we learn that Moshe brought them on the same day as he anointed the Mizbe'ach (on Rosh Chodesh Nisan), whereas "Acharei Himashach oso" merely teaches us that the anointing preceded the sacrificing. 1


Rashbam: ?Zos Chanukas ha'Mizbe'ach be'Yom Himashach oso" is referring to what the Nesi?im brought when they began to inaugurate the Mizbe?ach ? as recorded from Pasuk 12 until Pasuk 83; whereas ?Zos Chanukas ha'Mizbe'ach Acharei Himashach oso is referring to the sum total that they brought as recorded in Pesukim 84-88.


Rashi: It cannot mean that he brought the Nesi'im's Korbanos long after the anointing, as is evident from the Pasuk in Vayikra 7:36. (Amora'im argue about whether 'Acharei' means much later and 'Achar' means immediately after, or vice-versa (Bereishis Rabah 44:5). The question holds like the first opinion - PF)


Why does the Torah need to specify the sum total of dishes and bowls that the Nesi'im donated?


Rashi (in Pasuk 2, citing the Sifri) and Ramban #1: To teach us that the Keilim that Moshe sacrificed were the same ones that the Nesi'im brought and that not one item became Pasul. 1


Ramban #2: Even though each Nasi had a different reason in mind for choosing the Korbanos and Keilim, 2 they all had the same thought at the same time and they all brought them simultaneously in front of the Mishkan.


Targum Yonasan: Because each total figure had a special significance: The twelve silver dishes corresponded to the twelve tribes, the twelve silver bowls to the twelve princes and the twelve golden incense-bowls to the twelve Mazalos (constellations). 3


Oznayim la'Torah: In appreciation of the princes' incredible unity and love for one another, Hashem considered their individual Korbanos as a communal Korban. 4


Ramban (citing the Sifri): And the Torah adds "me'eis Nesi'ei Yisrael", to teach us that just as they were were all equal in the gift, so too were they equal in merit.


Refer to 7:18:1:2*.


Refer also to 7:86:1:2, 7:87:1:1 & 7:88:1:1.


Similar to ten men who Daven together, whose individual Tefilos become a Tefilah be'Tzibur.


Why was this Chanukas ha'Mizbe'ach so much smaller than that of Sh'lomoh?


Hadar Zekeinim (in Pasuk 17): This can be compared to a king who was traveling. When his servants brought him a meal based on the conditons of the road and the inn, He asked them 'Is this how you honor me?' - with such a small meal; to which they replied 'This is for the road. When you are in your palace, you will see how we honor you! So Hashem asked the Nesi'im 'Is this how you Me - with such meager Korbanos?' To which they replies 'This is according to the conditions of the Midbar. When the Beis ha'Mikdash will be built, and You enter Your palace, you will see how many Korbanos and bulls we bring You! 1


Hadar Zekeinim: As the Pasuk says in Tehilim 51:21"Az Ya'alu al Mizbach'cha Parim" - and not a lone bull (that each Nasi offered as an Olah). In the first Beis-Hamikdash, Sh'lomoh offered twenty-two thousand bulls and a hundred and twenty thousand lambs, and Ezra in the second, a hundred bulls, two hundred rams and four hundred lambs.

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