
Why do they say "Mah Yafu Fe'amayich ba'Ne'alim"?


Rashi citing Chagigah 3a: How nice are the feet of Yisrael when they ascend for the Regel.


Rashi: They tell her, we desire that you cling to us due to the beauty and importance that we saw in you while you were in your beauty.


Seforno: The Nevi'im answer, you will benefit greatly when you come to Eretz Hashem. The benefit will increase in the feet going up. Refer to 7:2:3:3.


Malbim (Melitzah): There are three parts of the Nefesh that sustain the body - the intellectual Nefesh, Nefesh Chiyunis, and the natural Nefesh. When the Nefesh dies, all its powers dependent on physicality are cut off. Only the Ru'ach remains; it returns to Hashem, who gave it. The bodily matters remind the Nefesh that when it departs from them, all its actions in all its divisions will cease. They arrange its actions from below to above. (a) Motion is attributed to the feet. It is very beautiful - "Mah Yafu Fe'amayich", but only when "ba'Ne'alim", when it is clothed with the body, which is like a shoe to the Nefesh, like I explained above (refer to 5:3:3:2). When it is called Beis Chalutz ha'Na'al, when it strips physicality from itself 1 , motion ceases, and it remains motionless, like an inanimate rock. Also refer to 7:2:3:4.


Malbim (Mashal): Bnos Yerushalayim reply, your steps are beautiful only in shoes. If you will go to your beloved, the shepherd, you will not have shoes, and your beauty will be debased.


Malbim: This is like "Shal Na'alecha me'Al Raglecha" (Shemos 3:5), removing physicality.


Why is she called "Bas Nadiv"?


Torah Temimah citing Chagigah 3a: She is the Bas of Avraham Avinu, who is called Nadiv - "Nedivei Amim Ne'esafu Am Elokei Avraham" (Tehilim 47:10).


Malbim (Melitzah): She is Bas Elokim.


What do we learn from "Chamukei Yerechayich"?


Rashi citing Sukah 49a: This refers to the Shitin (conduits that take wine from the Mizbe'ach to the depth); they are from the six days of creation. "Kemo Chala'im" - they are Mechulalim (hollow) and descend to the depth 1 . "Ma'ase Yedei Aman" - this is an act of the Umnus (craft) of Hashem. Rashi - Aman is like Uman (craftsman). Yisrael praise Hashem from above to below. They begin from "Rosho Kesem Paz" (5:11), and descend until "Shukav Amudei Shesh" (5:15), for they come to appease Him to bring His Shechinah down from the upper beings to the lower beings. He praises Yisrael from below to above - "Mah Yafu Fe'amayich" (the feet) until "Roshech Alayich ka'Karmel" (6, the head), for He comes to draw them to Him.


Torah Temimah citing Mo'ed Katan 16a: Once, Rebbi decreed not to teach to Talmidim in the market, due to this verse. Just like the thigh is covert, Divrei Torah should be covert.


Seforno: These are secrets of Torah and reasons for Mitzvos. They are like thighs, which stand up the body, and they are not revealed.


Malbim (Melitzah): In Nefesh ha'Tzomachas there is a power of sustaining and giving birth. The latter is attributed to the thigh ("Yotze'ei Yerech Yakov" - Shemos 1:5). Also it ceases at death.


Rashi: They are round, like thighs. Chala'im is an expression of digging, like Chuliyas ha'Bor (earth dug to make a pit; it is piled up around the pit).


Why does it say "Kemo Chala'im Ma'ase Yedei Aman"?


Refer to 7:2:3:1 and the note there.


Rashi: A collection of gold ornaments is called Chali - "va'Chali Chasem" (Mishlei 25:12).


Seforno: [Secrets of Torah and reasons for Mitzvos] are like a craftsman's ornaments - sometimes one does not adorn himself with them properly until the craftsman informs him how he made them.


Malbim (Melitzah): One can beget children only if he is Ma'ase Yedei Aman - if the body is intact; it is the craftsman who engages in work. After the Nefesh departs, the craftsman ceases his deeds.


Malbim (Mashal): [Your thighs are beautiful] only if Ma'ase Yedei Aman (a craftsman's ornaments) are on them, but not if you go to your beloved without ornaments.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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