
Why does it say "Naskimah la'Keramim"?


Rashi citing Eruvin 21b: This refers to Batei Kenesiyos and Batei Medrash. Seforno - we will contemplate there.


Malbim (Melitzah): A vineyard represents the ultimate in [good] deeds. I.e. let us see what will be the fruits of the deeds, and what we gained in all that we toiled and engaged in the world of bodies.


What is the significance of "Nir'eh Im Porchah ha'Gefen"?


Rashi citing Eruvin 21b: These are people who know written Torah.


Seforno: We will see if there is one who goes out to Mishnah and Talmud, in investigation and in practice.


Malbim (Melitzah): Was there any benefit from understanding (in this Sefer, it is called vine and good wine - refer to 2:13:2:4)?


What does "Pitach ha'Semadar" refer to?


Torah Temimah citing Eruvin 21b: They are people who know Mishnah. Rashi - Pitach ha'Semadar is when the flower falls and the grapes are recognized. This is like Ba'alei Mishnah - they are close to being able to benefit from them (giving rulings in Halachah).


Malbim (Melitzah): Did the grapes ripen and reach the level of Semadar (are there fruits from the understanding)?


Why does it say "Henatzu ha'Rimonim"?


'. Torah Temimah citing Eruvin 21b: They are people who know Gemara (analysis of Mishnayos). Rashi - they have full Chachmah; they can give rulings. The verse compares them to fully grown fruit, from which one may benefit), when pomegranates are finished, and the blossom around them falls.


Why does she say "Sham Eten Es Dodai Lach"?


Rashi citing Eruvin 21b: I will show to You my honor and greatness, the praise of my sons and daughters [who never sinned, like we expounded above].


Seforno: I will show my love for your Kadosh name.


Malbim (Melitzah): It is a Safek whether Porchah ha'Gefen and Henatzu ha'Rimonim, for sometimes one engages in Torah and Mitzvos Lo Lishmah, only for other reasons. Then they do not help the Nefesh in the world of reward. I will surely give to you Dodai (my love), for the Midah of Ahavas Hashem and Torah and Mitzvos done amidst love, the Nefesh will surely benefit from it. It ascends l'Re'ach Nicho'ach (a pleasant scent). Love is the Neshamah of deeds and the heart of Avodah that Hashem desires.

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