
What do we learn from "Lecha Dodi Netzei ha'Sadeh..."?


Rashi citing Eruvin 21b: Keneses Yisrael says to Hashem, do not judge me like walled city dwellers, who transgress theft, Arayos and vain and false oaths. "Netzei ha'Sadeh" - I will show to You Chachamim who engage in Torah amidst hardship.


Seforno: We will go out to talk in the field at the time of the gathering of exiles.


Malbim (Melitzah): Now that the Nefesh left the body, it turns to its supreme Beloved who stands over her to gather her to Him. She says, go from here - let us go from the city (the body) to the field (outside the body).


What do we learn from "Nalinah ba'Kefarim"?


Torah Temimah citing Eruvin 21b: We read this like 'Kofrim'. The ones to whom You bestowed great good (Rashi - Bnei Esav) denied You.


Seforno: This is like "Yoshevim b'Ein Chomah u'Vri'ach u'Delasayim Ein Lahem" (Yechezkel 38:11).


Malbim (Melitzah): The first night, the delight of the Nefesh hovers over some parts of the body and does not totally separate from all its parts. Since in this Shir the body is compared to a city, some of its special parts and powers are compared to small villages with few residents. Therefore, this night we will lodge in villages (Malbim (Mashal) - around Yerushalayim), and we will visit some parts of the body, as is known from Chivut ha'Kever.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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