
What is the consequence of "Ein Tzadik ba'Aretz Asher Ya'aseh Tov v'Lo Yecheta"?


Torah Temimah citing Sanhedrin 46b: This shows that even Tzadikim need Kaparah.


Rashi: Therefore, one must inspect his deeds.


Ibn Ezra: This explains "Al Tehi Tzadik Harbeh" (16). It is impossible that one will not sin in deed, speech or thought. It says about the seven abominations "Lev Choresh Machshevos Aven" (Mishlei 6:18). One cannot do good constantly, and not sin.


Rashbam: After saying that nothing is as important as Chachmah, understand that no Chacham 1 will do good all his days, and not sin. Therefore, you must guard yourself greatly, lest you come to sin. Learn a Kal v'Chomer from a Chacham to yourself!


Ri Kara: One who has Chachmah, he uses his Chachmah to see how to appease his Creator [for he sins sometimes 2 ].


Rid: This is connected to "Yere Elokim Yetzei Es Kulam" (18). He does not totally separate from worldly matters, lest he err and sin, for no Tzadik does not err sometimes.


Tosfos ha'Shalem (Bereishis 28:13): This does not refer to the Avos. They are the Merkavah - "va'Ya'al Elokim me'Al Avraham" (Bereishis 17:22)!


R. Avigdor citing Koheles Zuta: Does a Tzadik do Tzedakah and sin?! Rather, leaders of the generation and those who distribute Tzedakah, they give to improper people like to proper people 3 . So Yirmeyah cursed Anshei Anasos [who sought to kill him], "they should stumble in front of You at the time of Your anger, do to them" - [when they give Tzedakah], make them stumble [via presenting them] with unworthy recipients. We must appreciate swindlers! If not for them, [we would sin each day for not giving Tzedakah to everyone who requests - Kesuvos 68a].


Seforno: Chachmah gives more strength than senses, for even in a Chacham, sometimes senses overpower and he sins with them, especially with addition and detraction 4 via enticement of the senses that deceive. Metzudas David - Chachmah strengthens him - it counsels him to inspect his deeds and repent quickly.


Rashbam: The Chacham is called Tzadik, like above "Al Tehi Tzadik Harbeh v'Al Tischakam Yoser" (16).


It seems that this explains the power of Chachmah (19). (PF)


Likutim (on Koheles Rabah): Yecheta is not sin, rather, missing the target, like "El ha'Sha'arah v'Lo Yachati" (Shoftim 20:16).


Adding or detracting from Mitzvos. (PF)


Here it says that everyone sins. Shabbos 55b listed four who died only due to the decree against Adam (they never sinned)!


Tosfos (55b): The verse discusses most people.


Maharsha (55b): Even the four sinned, but if not for the decree, it would not be worthy to die for such [tiny] sins. Me'iri (55b) - man cannot fathom that it is proper to die for such sins.


Pnei Yehoshua (55b): Perhaps the four sinned b'Shogeg 1 , but they already received Kaparah via afflictions or Yom Kipur. Therefore, they died only due to the decree. Rosh Yosef - there is never death for Shogeg.


Ya'avetz (55b): There were many who never sinned. "Asher Ya'aseh Tov v'Lo Yecheta" means that in their good deeds, there was some shortcoming. Yishai intended to have Bi'ah with his Shifchah 2 ; really, he had Bi'ah with his wife, but he intended for Isur. Yakov and Amram 3 married women permitted to them, but they would be forbidden after Matan Torah.


It seems that we must say so about Amram (one of the four). He divorced his wife [after Pharaoh decreed to kill male babies], which caused all men to do so; surely many had not yet fulfilled Peru u'Rvu. Later, he realized that he erred (Sotah 12a). (PF)


Yalkut ha'Machiri (Tehilim 128:28): He was concerned lest his lineage is Pasul, for he comes from a Mo'avis, so he wanted to purify his seed via a Shifchah, like it says in Kidushin 69b.


55b: Yishai and Amram are among the four who never sinned.

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