
How should he see Hashem's deed?


Rav Sadya Gaon: He should contemplate. Rashi - everything is according to man's act. Gan Eden is for Tzadikim, and Gehinom for Resha'im. See which path he should stick to!


Ibn Ezra: A Chacham without inheritance and money, he should rejoice in his Chachmah and not be angry about his poverty. This was already decreed from the six days of creation 1 . Astrologers understand this. "Asher Bara Elokim La'asos" (Bereishis 2:3) - Hashem put in all His work, the ability to make like the first form. One whose Ma'arachah is crooked regarding money or another matter, he has no solution 2 .


Rashbam: Put your heart to see and understand Hashem's deeds, so you will fear Him and not sin. Therefore He will save you from all evil.


Seforno: See that He created man in His image, and look at the intent of His great purpose.


Metzudas David: See how straight and fixed are His deeds. Man cannot fix what he made crooked, but Hashem can fix what the sin of the generation ruined. If sparse rain was decreed due to the generation's sins, and afterwards they fixed their deeds, Hashem fixes the Kilkul. He makes the rain fall where it is most needed; not a drop is wasted.


This is "Ma'ase ha'Elokim." (PF)


Shabbos 156a: Mazal is not fixed for Yisrael. Via merits, they can overcome Mazal! Sometimes it does not change (Tosfos Mo'ed Katan 28a DH Ela). Ibn Ezra's words require investigation. (PF)


Why can't he fix what he made crooked?


Rashi: After death he cannot fix what he made crooked in his lifetime.


Rashbam: [Man] cannot fix what Hashem made crooked (His punishments). Therefore, people should fear Him, for no one can save from Him (Devarim 32:39).


Ri Kara: When Hashem decrees, [man] cannot annul it. Accept His punishments and decrees with love, for you cannot stand against them.


Rid: One cannot fix time that Hashem made crooked.


R. Avigdor: When Hashem created Adam, He took him around Gan Eden, and said 'see how nice are Hashem's deeds. I created everything only for you. Do not ruin your deeds! Adam ruined his deeds, and death was decreed for him and all generations.


Seforno: There is no way for man to fix sin, which makes crooked Hashem's intent for the matter, as long as the sin is intact and it was not erased via Teshuvah. A Mitzvah does not erase a sin.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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