
What do we learn from "Ki b'Tzel ha'Chachmah b'Tzel ha'Kasef"?


Pesachim 53b: People who provide merchandise for Chachamim, they merit to sit in the Heavenly Yeshiva.


Rashi: Whoever is in b'Tzel ha'Chachmah, he is in b'Tzel ha'Kasef; Chachmah brings wealth.


Ibn Ezra: Then 1 , he will take refuge in the shade of Chachmah and in the shade of Kesef.


Rashbam: This is a repetition of "Tovah Chachmah Im Nachalah" (11). Where there is Chachmah, there is Kesef and other wealth with it.


Ri Kara: This is a proof for "v'Yoser l'Ro'ei ha'Shamesh" (11). When a Chacham is rich, he takes refuge in the shade of Chachmah and Kesef. The shade of Chachmah surrounds [and guards] him from evils and afflictions that befall a Kesil. The shade of Kesef protects him from afflictions that befall an Oni.


Refer to 7:12:2:7.


Metzudas David: One who takes refuge in the shade of Chachmah, it is as if he takes refuge in the shade of Kesef. Sometimes he can finance himself with Chachmah like with Kesef.


Magihah (in Toras Chayim): If the Chacham inherited.


Why does it say "[v'Yisron Da'as] ha'Chachmah Techayeh Ve'aleha"?


Rashi: Chachmah is greater than Kesef - it gives life 1 to those who have it 2 . Ibn Ezra - this is because Chachmah is the form of the supreme Neshamah, which does not die when the body dies.


Rashbam: This is a repetition of (Rid - it explains) "v'Yoser l'Ro'ei ha'Shamesh" (11).


R. Avigdor citing Koheles Rabah: Once, R. Yochanan ben Zakai contracted Bulmus (a dangerous illness due to starvation). He sat to the east 3 of a date tree, and was healed. He learned from "va'Yitenu Lo Pelach Develah


Ri Kara: "Orech Yamim bi'Yminah" (Mishlei 3:16). Metzudas David - sometimes Kesef causes its owner to die - murderers kill him to take his money.


Rashbam: Chachmah enables him to finance himself, and saves him from evil deeds.


R. Chananel (Yuma 83b): He also ate from the figs. Rashi (83b) - the morning sun beats on and sweetens the figs on the east side.


Chachmah teaches him how to reap much fruit from the principal that he inherited. (PF)

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