What are the implications of the word "Becha"?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It implies that the frogs actually entered their stomachs and proceeded to croak inside them.
Why did Hashem add a'Hey' at the end of 'u'Vechah"?
R. Bachye: To hint that each Makah comprised five Makos. 1
Charon Apo, Evrah, Za'am, Tzarah, Mishlachas Mal'achei Ra'im - like the opinion of R. Akiva in the Hagadah.
Why did Hashem send a plague of frogs upon the Egyptians?*
Oznayim la'Torah: The sound of the myriads of frogs' incessant croaking was deafening - a punishment for the cries of the babies whom the Egyptians had killed. 1
Oznayim la'Torah: As Hashem said to Kayin, "Kol Demei Achicha Tzo'akim Eilai Min ha'Adamah!" (Bereishis 4:10).