How will we reconcile the Paasu "Vayarem ba'Mateh Vayach es ha'Ye'or" with "Kach Matcha u'Netei Yadcha al Meymei Mitzrayim" in Pasuk 19?
Ramban: It means that Aharon first waved the staff in all directions 1 before striking the water of the Nile.
R. Bachye: Moshe issued Aharon with two instructions: 1. To strike the River Nile, to turn its water into blood; 2. To stretch out his hand wit the staff over all the other waters of Egypt, to turn them into blood. 2
What is the significance of the fact that Aharon struck the water "before the eyes of Pharaoh"?
Rashbam: The fact that Aharon acted as Moshe's Shali'ach, raising his staff and striking it each time upon his command, boosted Moshe's esteem in the eyes of Pharaoh.
R. Bachye: Refer to 7:18:1:2.