
How do we translate the phrase, "va'Yikra Gam Pharaoh la'Chachamim"?


R. Bachye: It comes to include Par'oh's wife, who was the first to call the wise men and the sorcerers ? to emulate Moshe and Aharon.


The Pasuk must be inverted to read "Vayikra Par'oh Gam la'Chachamim".


What are the connotations of "Vaya'asu Kein Gan heim" here, and in Pasuk 22, in connection with Makas Dam? What did the Chartumei Mitzrayim do?


R. Bachye (in 8:14): We learn from the Pasuk there, which concludes "ve'Lo Yacholu", that they did not really turn their staffs into snakes and the water into blood, but they only appeared to do so ? and that their creations were illusionary.


What is the definition of "Chartumim"?


R. Bachye (citng the Ramban): The Chartumim who were the Egyptian's incorporates the Chachamim (Chachmei Hashba'os) and the Mechashfim (who gathered Sheidim), who were the Egyptian's leaders and elders ? the bulk of their profession involved dealing with the bones of the deceased or the bones of Chayos.


Gur Aryeh: They use the bones of the dead (Timei) to predict the future. 1 Refer to 7:22:0.1:1 for more.


What is the difference between "be'Lahateihem" (in this Pasuk), and "be'Lateihem" (in Pasuk 22 and other places.)?


Rashi (in Pasuk 22, Ramban and R. Bachye: "be'Lateihem" is a silent incantation performed via demons; 1 "be'Lahateihem" 2 - one performed via black-magic (via fiery angels of destruction ? Ramban and R. Bachye, or by demons ? R. Bachye) 3


Malbim: "Lahateihem" is a sleight of hand trickery - to bring skins of dead snakes and move them, creating the impression that they are alive. 4


Ramban and R. Bachye: From the root of 'Lat' (secretly), as in Shmuel 1, 18:32 "Dabru el David ba'Lat" - because the demons come in secret (Rashi in Sanhedrin 67b: As in Rus 3: "Vatavo ba'Lat" - because they are invisible).


Rashi (here): As in "Lahat ha'Cherev ha'Mis'hapeches" (Bereishis 3:24). See also Gur Aryeh and Torah Temimah note 2 who elaborates at length.


Ramban and R. Bachye: From the root of "Eish Loheit (Tehikm 104:4) and "Lehavah Telahet Resha'im "Tehikim 106:18.


In Pasuk 22, the Malbim offers a similar explanation, even though it says be'Lateihem - suggesting that he does not draw a distinction. (PF)


Why did Pharaoh, who was certainly a magician in his own right, not turn his own staff into a snake?


Oznayim la'Torah: He took his cue from Moshe, who ordered his second-in-command to perform the miracle.


"Vaya'asu Gam Heim Chartumei Mitzraym ? ". Who is "Gam" coming to include?


Riva and R. Bachye: It includes the Egyptian children, who also did so, 1 to show that it was not a big deal, since even children could do it.


According to R. Bachye, the children did it first and the sorcerers folllowed suite.



Rashi writes: "B'Lahateihem - Their whispered [incantations] ... as in [the verse], 'the Lahat of the rotating sword' (Bereishis 3:24)...." Why is the word "Lahat" associated with a sword?


Gur Aryeh (to 7:22): The blade of a sword is polished and sharpened, and appears to be on fire. (Fire is an additional meaning of the word "Lahat," e.g., in Malachi 3:19.) 1


Gur Aryeh adds this explanation, in addition to Rashi's interpretation of "Lahat" as "whispered sorcery." See 7:22:2.2 at greater length.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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