
When is "Yom Malkenu"?


Rashi: The day when they crown their kings.


Rashi (7, citing Yerushalmi Avodah Zarah 1:1): The day that Yaravam became king.


Malbim: When the day of rebellion against the king comes, when they want to kill him, the previous night they did not engage in Zenus. Then, the conspirators gathered to counsel how to carry out their plot.


What is the meaning of "Hechelu Sarim"?


Rashi: Our officers became Cholim (ill).


Radak: When they crown their kings, the officers do not discuss conquering enemies and enforcing Mishpat, like is proper for a free king. Rather, they engage in eating and drinking until the king gets ill from too much wine.


Malbim: On the night before they want to kill the king, they drink wine with the officers the entire night until the officers get ill from the wine, so they cannot guard the king.


What is "Chamas mi'Yayin"?


Rashi: From the heat of wine that burns in them.


Rashi (7, citing Yerushalmi Avodah Zarah 1:1): The day that Yaravam became king, Yisrael came to him towards evening and told him to serve idolatry. He said, now is a time of inebriety; return in the morning.


Radak: It is illness from too much wine. This one comes with his flask full of wine, and this one comes with his flask, and they give to him to drink until they get him sick. Chamas is like "va'Temalei Es Chemes Mayim" (Bereishis 21:19).


Malbim: The heat of wine made the officers sick.


What do we learn from "Mashach Yado Es Lotzetzim"?


Rashi: The king withdraws from the good, Kosher people, to join with scoffers.


Rashi (7, based on Yerushalmi Avodah Zarah 1:1): When [Yaravam] saw a Kosher man, he put two scoffers by him. They said, what was the dearest generation? He said, Dor ha'Midbar. They said, they served idolatry! He said, since they were dear, they were not punished. They said, be quiet ? the king wants to do so.


Radak: Amidst much drinking, the king scoffs with scoffers. Lotzetzim is an adjective; its grammatical form is like "v'Notzetzim k'Ein Nechoshes Kalal" (Yechezkel 1:7).


Radak citing his father: Initially they are called officers. After they are drunk, they are called scoffers.


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Shetikah DH Atah, from Sanhedrin 103a): This is one of the four groups who do not receive the Shechinah (The others are liars, flatterers and those who speak Leshon ha'Ra.

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