
What is "Atah mi'Karov"?


Rashi: It is quickly.


Radak: This is like b'Karov (soon). Or, it is like a normal prefix Mem, which is close to the prefix Beis. Atah is the present - between the past and the future. Sometimes Atah comes to include the near past or future; mi'Karov teaches that it will be soon.


Malbim: It came suddenly both regarding time (Atah) and place (mi'Karov) - from a near place.


It already says above (3) that Hashem will send His anger!


Radak: The matter is repeated here to strengthen it.


Malbim: Here it says "Eshpoch" - I will spill it suddenly, and not slowly, in stages. The Nimshal is, what Hashem causes via the Ma'arachah, it takes time until the Ma'arachah obligates so. What comes via enemies, they must traverse a distance until they arrive from a far land. Here, it comes suddenly via Hashgachah. Chemah is internal anger; Af is external. If Af comes without Chemah, He does not rush to punish. He puts limits in time and place - perhaps they will repent. However, I will spill My anger and finish My Af!

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