
Why does it say "Ketz Ba Ba ha'Ketz"?


Radak: The repetition is to strengthen the matter and hasten it.


Malbim: This is unlike other evils, which come to fix the nation - they will repent and endure. This is an end and eradication.


Why does it add "Hekitz Elayich"?


Radak: This is Hif'il conjugation. Its root is Katz - the middle letter of the root is sometimes omitted. The root of Ketz is Katzatz.


Malbim: The verse depicts that it is a day special for evil - a full day, including the night. The night already passed - the Ketz and eradication slept, for night is a time for sleeping. Now the Ketz Hekitz (woke) and began to do its action.

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