
What is the meaning of "va'Hasibosi Panai Mehem"?


Radak: This is like it says "v'Histarti Panai Mehem" (Devarim 31:17).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I will remove My Shechinah from them, [for they profaned the land of My Shechinah, and brought Resha'im into it and profaned it].


Malbim: First the verses discuss what happened at the end of the siege - "Tak'u va'Tako'a...; Cherev ba'Chutz" (14-15). Then it discusses what happened when the city was breached, and Tzidkiyah and his army fled - "u'Faltu Peliteihem" (16). Then "they cast out their money" (19), for the enemy plundered everything; this was in Tamuz. Afterwards "va'Hasibosi Panai Mehem" - the Shechinah departed from the Heichal.


What is "Tzefuni"?


Sukah 52a: It is the Yetzer ha'Ra - "v'Es ha'Tzefuni Archik me'Aleichem" (Yo'el 2:20).


Rashi: It is the place where I was hidden among them.


Radak, Malbim It is My hidden place in the Bayis - the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim, where the Aron is.


What do we learn from "u'Va'u Vah Paritzim v'Chileluha"?


Avodah Zarah 52b #1: Once the Nochrim entered the Mikdash, the stones of the Mizbe'ach lost their Kedushah, so the Nochrim were able to acquire them and forbid them. Malbim - they entered to take Klei ha'Mikdash; [all the Kelim] lost their Kedushah.


Avodah Zarah 52b #2:

Chachamim wanted to forbid all coins of Hadri'anus and Torainus, lest they were Hekdesh. Our verse teaches that the Nochrim profaned them, and made them Chulin.


Radak: The feminine is used due to the Shechinah of the honor that rests over the Aron. Or, it refers to the city.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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