
Why does it say "Ki Rosh Aram Hi Damesek"?


Rashi: Yerushalayim has no connection to them.


Malbim: The evil of Damesek was known. From it, we can infer the evil of the nation and the country.


Why does it say "v'Rosh Damesek Retzin"?


Rashi: He will be the head in Damesek, but not in Yerushalayim.


Malbim: Surely Retzin is a Rasha, like Damesek, and all his servants and subjects. How are they brazen to think to rule over Yerushalayim?!


What is the significance of 65 years?


Rashi: Pekach and the 10 tribes will be exiled 65 years after Amos' prophecy "v'Yisrael Galo Yigleh me'Al Admaso" (Amos 7:11). If you count from then until the exile of the 10 tribes, you find 65 years. His prophecy was "Shenasayim Lifnei ha'Ra'ash" (Amos 1:1). Uziyah had Tzara'as for 25 years 1 , Yosam and Achaz each reigned for 16 years, and they were exiled in the sixth year of Chizkiyah's reign - "va'Yilkeduha? bi'Shnas Sheash l'Chizkiyah Hi Shnas Tesha l'Hoshe'a va'Yagel Es Yisrael Ashurah" (Melachim II, 18:10-11). In all, there were 65 years. You cannot say that it was 65 years from this Nevu'ah 2 , for this Nevu'ah was in the days of Achaz (Seder Olam 28), and they were exiled [22 years later] in Chizkiyah's sixth year!


Malbim: This Nevu'ah was fluent in everyone's mouth since then, and even so Efrayim and Pekach did not repent. They have no merit to rule over Yerushalayim!


Rashi: We know this, for it says "bi'Shnas Esrim va'Sheva l'Yaravam Melech Yisrael Malach Azaryah ben Amatzyah Melech Yehudah" (Melachim II, 15:1). This cannot be, for the calculation in Sefer Melachim shows that the reigns of Uziyah (he is called also Azaryah) and Yaravam coincided! (Uziyah's father Amatziyah lived 15 years after Yaravam's father Yo'ash died (ibid., 14:17)! Rashi (Melachim II, 15:8) said that Azaryah was king in the last 15 years of his father's life. - PF) Rather, he got Tzara'as in Yaravam's 27th year, and [the last] 25 of the 52 years that he reigned, he was a Metzora.


Radak: Also, it says that a son Imanu'el will be born (14), and before he knows to call to his parents, Melech Ashur will conquer Aram and Shomron (8:4). Rather, the 65 years are from Amos' Nevu'ah, which was in Yaravam's 17th year. He reigned another 24 years; Menasheh reigned 10, Pekachyah two, Pekach 20, and Hoshe'a nine; in all, this is 65.


What is the meaning of "Yechas"?


Rashi: [Efrayim] will be crushed from being a nation. Sancheriv will exile them with their king Hoshe'a ben Elah.


Radak: Retzin and Aram will be crushed, with Efrayim. It is as if it says v'Efrayim. The prefix Vov is omitted also in "Shemesh Yare'ach" (Chabakuk 3:11) and many other verses. Retzin will cease to head even Aram, and Aram will not be a city 1 that can fight or act by itself.


Kli Paz cites Radak to say 'Am' (nation).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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