
What is the meaning of "Yechayeh Ish Eglas Bakar?"?


Rashi: Since the land will be empty, for the troops will despoil it, I will give Brachah to the little that remains. Radak - this will be in the days of Chizkiyah. There will be Shalom and great Brachah; a calf and two goats or sheep will provide a man's sustenance, as if he had great herds and flocks at other times.


Kli Paz: One will keep only a calf and two flock animals, and not 1000, lest he get haughty.


Malbim: Also then, the sign of Imanu'el (Kel is with us) will be fulfilled, and the child will eat butter and honey. Amidst the great desolation, a man will keep alive for himself a calf?


Birkas Tziyon citing the Vilna Gaon: People will not seek excesses, only what is necessary - a calf for plowing, and two Tzon - one for milk for food, and one for clothing 1 - "v'Dei Chalev Izim l'Lachmecha", "Kevasim li'Lvushecha" (Mishlei 27:26-27).


One sheep can supply milk and wool! Perhaps if it is milked constantly, its wool is inferior. Or, goat's milk is better than sheep's, or the best wool is of lambs too young to give milk. Perhaps the verses support the latter two answers. (PF)

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