
Why does it say "ha'Osi"?


Radak, Malbim: Do they think that they anger Me?! Anger and other Midos do not take effect on Me 1 . They anger only themselves - the anger will take effect on them.


Radak: It says "Ki'asuni b'Havleihem" (Devarim 32:21), "Hich'isuni bi'Fsileihem" (below, 8:19)! The Torah speaks the way people do, but really, Hashem has no Midah of anger, or other lowly Midos found in people.


Why does it say "Lema'an Boshes Pneihem"?


Radak: They will be ashamed of their evil deeds. It is not proper that I be angry at their deeds, even if Midos would affect Me, for their evil deeds do not harm Me, and their good deeds do not help Me. "Im Chatas Mah Tif'al Bo?; [Im Tzadakta Mah Titen Lo]?; l'Ish Kamocha Rish'echa ul'Ven Adam Tzidkasecha" (Iyov 35:6-8).


Malbim: What they do to anger Me affects only them.

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